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Success Stories

Jeff Bridges picture
Jeff Bridges, Actor

My back likes to let me know when it's pissed at me. When it does, life can become a bit more challenging. Foundation exercises have been a great addition to my exercise routine. I really notice a change in how I move. My back doesn't just feel better, it feels strong. That is a big deal. These exercises let you move with some real confidence. Everybody with a bad back should do these exercises.

JY-Testimonial Photo
The Answer

Laying in bed one night, I found myself in tears wondering how many good years I really had left to workout the way I was used to, given the lower back pain I have had for so many years. Too, my body was beginning to show signs of breaking down with new joint pain in my knees.

Amazingly, within that same week I "stumbled" upon [Foundation Training]. Eric's story captured me immediately; a student of chiropractic medicine looking to avoid back surgery was totally believable.

I have since practiced the FT exercises faithfully (with amazing results) so that I now have a story to share, giving hope to others. As a certified PT in Fitness and Yoga my next step is to attain a certification in FT.

As it turns out, FT is more than an answer to the question that brought me to tears. It will no doubt be one of the best professional opportunities to cross my path. I can hardly wait to discover where this will take me and see how many people I can help! I am truly grateful 🙂

Matthew McConaughey picture
Matthew McConaughey, Actor

I thought my lower back would be my Achilles’ heel forever. Foundation Training took that thought out of the equation. I feel strong and flexible, and my posture is better than it has ever been. This stuff is just plain good for you.

Perfect for golf

Foundation Training is absolutely perfect for perfect posture in the golf swing. From set-up to finish, these exercises help with strength and conditioning for the complete game. Even with the bending over for putting. I spend a lot of time on the practice green putting and my back used to ache. But now, my back feels stronger and I have more endurance than before. I feel the positive effects of lengthening my spine which is critical because I have had two herniated disk surgeries and am 66 years old. Thank you guys. This is amazing.

From chronic pain to 10 min plank

After 20 years working as a stuntman, going to the gym 5-6 times a week I felt like Hercules, but then my back went. Spent 18 months in bed! Now 5 years later I found myself as a chronic back person. I trained as a structural bodyworker and now I work with people with chronic back pain, but can only work 4 hours a day before the pain stops me.

But 5 weeks ago I found Foundation Training, and now my pain is almost gone! I'm back in the gym with new hope, and a job as a personal trainer! Yesterday I did a 10 min plank! How is that possible in just 5 weeks?? What can I say. Foundation Training safed my life! Getting better day by day. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!! From me and my clients!

My hope is one day to come to the states and become a part of the Foundation Training family!


I heard a pop in my groin after shooting a goal in a college water polo match in 1977. 35 years of low back pain and two weeks before my wedding last year I had a laminectomy. I had given up some sports and desperately hung on to others. While x country skiing in Central Wisconsin, my buddy says "you have to check out Foundation Training." I now enjoy work and play like a child. For the first time in years I can put my pants on pain free. How good is that.


Terry Schroder picture
Terry Schroeder, D.C., Head Coach, USA Olympic Water Polo Team

Dr. Eric Goodman worked as the Strength coach for our USA Olympic Water Polo team from December 2007 to July 2008 leading to the Beijing Olympic Games. All of these athletes are world-class and they felt that Eric did an exceptional job of keeping them injury free while performing at a very high level through some extremely tough months of training. In my opinion, this program was very critical to our success in Beijing. The team exceeded everyone's expectations and became one of the great stories of the Olympics by winning the silver medal. We stayed healthy and performed at a high level and Dr. Goodman deserves a good deal of credit.

Dominique Vallee picture
Dominique Vallee, Canadian Snowboard Team, Many World Champs, X-Games and 2006 Olympics

I just wanted to say that I'm really impressed with the foundation training exercises and videos. I've been on the Canadian Snowboard Team for 10 years and competed in many World Champs, X-Games and 2006 Olympics in Half-pipe and snowboard-cross. We've trained with some of the best physical trainers and physios but your short training video make a world of a difference to me. Makes my back and core work at all the right places and feel my hips and lower back stretch as well. Thank you so much for making a difference. I've told countless amount of friends as well about your website and everybody is amazed in what a 18-21min video can do. Keep up the great work and TED conferences.

The Future of Human Movement

As a motocross racer, Foundation Training has allowed me to move more efficiently and effectively on my motorbike. The Foundation Training movements will increase the longevity of my career because they are great for prevention and treatment of many injuries (not just back injuries). On top of that, they will improve my performance because I will be better able to create power using my posterior chain. After reading the book and watching the new DVD, I believe so strongly in the principles of Foundation Training that I just had to express my gratitude through this testimonial.

Lakey Peterson picture
Lakey Peterson, Women’s Surfing Champion

Practicing Foundation Training for the past 4 years has been one of the most critical decisions of my surfing career. I had recurring lower back problems when I was a bit younger, but since starting Foundation Training I have felt constant improvement with little to no pain whatsoever. My flexibility and stability are both the best they have ever been. As my career is growing and I am now surfing on the World Tour, I can easily tell you that Foundation Training is a huge part of my success as a surfer. It helps me continue to become the best athlete I can be.

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