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October 2020 Newsletter

The transition to Autumn bears the familiar feeling of the school year starting. We excitedly anticipate our new roles and the new challenges of moving forward. The Foundation Training team is working hard (albeit a bit quietly in the background) with project planning in all directions. Having recently filmed pieces for the online education portion of our upcoming certifications, we are filling in the gaps knowledge from the past certifications. Our online mentoring program begins this month, allowing our current instructors to expand their FT teaching, application, and business skill sets. Our Program Director, Jessie Salas, is packing up (figuratively and literally) to embark on an innovative project titled “On the Road” which you will be hearing a lot more about in the coming weeks. We love hearing about your adventures, learning along with you, and supporting your endeavors so keep us in your loop too.

Instructor Highlights

We have instructors all over the world integrating Foundation Training into their practice and finding innovative ways to reach their audiences. Each month we bring you a little snapshot of what they’ve done recently.

BRANDON IMADA is a Level 1 instructor completing his graduate studies at Chiropractic College in Honolulu, HI. Set to graduate this coming December, he has prioritized using tools that empower and produce tangible results in both the clinical and real-life setting. He recently completed a 100 Day Foundation Training challenge with daily video documentation of the change. “I’ve witnessed and experienced the amazing results that small, consistent daily investment can create long term.”

NICOLE MEDAS is a Level 2 instructor and specialist for a medical device company in Brooklyn, NY who has a passion for motivating people through fitness with decades of coaching. She has spent the last several month curating group classes that flow seamlessly from zoom to park to gym and back. Using Foundation Training to bookend high intensity training her clients have returned to impact sports that they loved but were told they could never do again. “I am once again the confident athlete, but now pain free and moving with a body awareness I never knew possible.”

Movement of the Month: Proper Lunge Positioning


from Dr. Eric Goodman

The Lunge Decompression in Foundation Training is a corrective exercise training the body to maintain posterior engagement and unilateral stability with the weight held between the adductors and hamstrings. The muscles utilized in our lunge positions vary depending on the direction of the hips, femurs, and position of the knees. We want to maintain a stance that mimics functional walking, with the hips squared and no external rotation of the femurs. When in a stance that is significantly longer than our walking stride, the front knee often bends more for support, causing the quads of the front leg to load and sinking down into hip flexor of the back leg. Aim for a little bit longer than a walking stride with your hips squared forward and pulling upward with the knees slightly unlocked.


from coach Jessie Salas

When positioning in the Lunge Decompression stance, we’re looking for a stance of stability. A lot of people are too heavy in front leg so they feel the work predominantly happening in their quads. To correct this, I remind individuals to shift their front knee back and bring more awareness to having a true balance of 50% on front leg and 50% on back leg.

Stream FT Workout of the Month

Every month we provide you with a new workout from the FT team. This month Core Educator, Sean Yeager-Diamond, takes you through another prop workout utilizing a swiss ball along with Evan Halquist. You can still participate without the use of a prop and get some new ideas on ways to take your FT practice further.

Quarantine Workout Series

The final workouts of the Quarantine Series are now available on streaming. These final workouts summarize the tools discussed and utilized over the previous 3 dozen videos. With an integration of other modalities, it provides an honest glimpse into the Foundation Training practice of our team, including the planned and unexpected constraints that we all encounter. From big backyards to tiny bedrooms, focused intensity to silly banter, this series provides the variety we all need to improve. Remember that that this series is not a replacement but for the baseline program, but a step after it. And stay tuned, as an excited new series is coming your way later this year.

Feed the Wolf

A monthly mental snack to feed personal development. 

What you think you can do or cannot do is true. Too often we build a moat around ourselves arguing we are stranded because we can’t walk on water. Learn how to make a boat. Learn how to build a bridge. Learn how to swim. What you want requires action outside of your comfort zone and admitting you are learning something new. Let go of the reasons why you cannot and become a student working on the reasons why you will.