December 2020 Newsletter

Happy Holidays from the Foundation Training Team! We hope you have a safe and healthy end to the year.
Instructor Highlights
We have instructors all over the world integrating Foundation Training into their practice and finding innovative ways to reach their audiences. Each month we bring you a little snapshot of what they’ve done recently.

Carlene Malack is a Level 2 Instructor, NASM certified personal trainer, and owner of Carmel Personal Fitness Elements in Carmel-by-the-Sea, California. She incorporates Foundation Training into every session, no matter a client’s age. She recently treated a 74 year old amateur golfer who, after playing golf for 60 years, is now hitting the ball with more power and distance than her younger opponents. “At any age, just a little bit of Foundation Training can make the challenges become victories.”

Josh Brigham is a L2 Certified Foundation Training Instructor at Adapt CLT. Josh said the FT highlight his year has been getting his Level 2 certification in February and transitioning from a 10-year career in craft beer sales to teaching Foundation Training full time. He recently completed the instructor mentoring program and said, “I’m excited to see what’s in store for 2021 both in my own practice and in the FT Community!!”
Tip of the Month: Integrity of the Legs
Anchoring is integral in FT exercises because it helps rebalance the lower torso musculature and fight the effects of prolonged sitting. Maintaining contact of the ball of the big toe, ball of the pinky toe, and the heel equally on the floor creates an effective Anchor whether you are pushing outward or pulling inward, without buckling at the knees.
Inward Anchoring utilizes the adductors of the inner legs to create a line of tension from the feet to our inner hips. Focus especially on the ball of the pinky toe and heel of these 3 points will keep the integrity of this inward Anchor pull. Outward Anchoring utilizes the tensor fascia lata and iliotibial tract of the outer legs to create tension from our feet to our outer hips. Also focus on the 3 points of contact here, especially the ball of the big toe and heel, to keep the integrity of the outward Anchor push. The foot positioning and contact points are details that play a major role in reinforcing the way our lower torso supports the rest of our body.
A common pattern that we see is the focus is on the knee rather than the source of issues at the feet. Making sure those 3 points of contact are present and actively gripping is essential to Anchoring. If you’re having a hard time finding or maintaining those 3 points of contact, try these approaches to improve your anchor. Bring the toes up so you can feel the base of the toe (not the tip of the toes) and find those 3 points. You can also shift weight into one point at a time to notice what that feels like then balance the weight on all 3 points equally. And finally, remember that there is an active pull between those points so visualize that as you grip down.
- Concept Corner -
The heel, base of the big toe, and the base of the small toe are three points that Anchor your body to the ground. They tell your body how to disperse force up through the knee and hip joints. And like a tripod with a broken leg, an imbalance in these points will lead to compensations as your body tries to stabilize itself.
Actively maintain these points by noticing them as part of your form check in. Visualize these 3 points pulling inward and upward. Imagine them moving through the leg to pelvis, creating a base of strength.
Stream FT Workout of the Month
Every month we provide you with a new workout from the FT team. This month our FT program director, Jessie Salas, takes you through a routine with Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu athletes Jackson and Raphael. Join them prepare for a training session using Foundation Training to adjust the details of positions to create controlled length under tension, both with static holds and integrated movements. Be sure to watch the Tips & Tricks video above for some helpful cues to maintain leg integrity for the workout.

Feed the Wolf
A monthly mental snack to feed personal development.

As the year comes to an end, we look back to learn and we look forward to plan. This year was unlike what anyone expected, but it provided us with clarity on priorities and opportunity to work on the skill of adapting. There is no changing what has happened, but there is always the option to grow from it. Planning ahead can feel a bit daunting when so much seems unknown. Winter is the season for planting the seed. For setting up what is to come. It does not provide the same pleasure as harvesting the fruit, but putting that seed in the dirt and making sure the soil is fertile is fundamental. Take this time to plant and tend to the soil, reminding yourself this season sets you up for the next. The future harvest will come from the hard work you put in now.