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By Selene Yeager - I feel like my cycling, training life is a bit like a Chinese buffet right now. A few favorites, a few new flavors, some stuff I’m not sure about, but hey, why not give it a whirl? Here’s a look at what’s on my plate and why: Cyclocross: I’ve always really enjoyed this muddy mash up of cycling, running and roller derby. This year, I’m loving it. I ride hard, get heckled, try to pick good lines, and simply have fun. If you haven’t tried it yet, I encourage you to take a stab. You’ll be back for more. Swimming: I’m only going once a week. But it’s just what I need on a Monday morning after ‘cross racing (see above) and

By Selene Yeager - Strengthen and Stretch for More Effective Riding All those hours hunched in the saddle come at a cost. "The small muscles in the front of your body (hip flexors, quads) work harder relative to your largest muscle group (low back, glutes, hamstrings)," says Santa Barbara, California-based chiropractor Eric Goodman. The result? A lopsided tug-of-war that can cause a world of hurt--and ineffective riding. This sequence strengthens posterior muscles and stretches the ones in front. Do it three or four times a week. START HERE FOUNDATION SQUAT A. Stand with feet slightly wider than shoulder width. B. Extend your arms until they're shoulder-height and lower yourself into a squat. Press through your heels to come back to start. Do 10. GOOD MORNING A. Stand with legs shoulder-width apart,