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July 2020 Newsletter

We are halfway through 2020 and a lot has changed. Limitations have offered opportunity for thinking outside of the box and strengthening our ability to adapt to new situations. We might not be doing things the way we used to, but change is part of progress. Whether this progress happens in tiny steps or large leaps, it is still forward momentum.

Our community remains strong and focused on helping empower you to adapt, persist, and apply the tools of Foundation Training in your own life. Each day is an opportunity for making tomorrow better and we look forward to all that is to come in this latter half of 2020.

Move well, move often, breath deeply.

-The Foundation Training Team

New on FT Streaming


Your July Monthly Wokrout

FT with Props. Our programs were designed for the greatest number of bodies, symptoms, and movement patterns possible, but sometimes we need to make some modifications or adjustments. That’s where props come in. Follow along with Core Educator Sean Yeager-Diamond as he demonstrates some of our signature movements with the use of additional support options.

Strength Programs

Now that gyms, studios, and training facilities are re-opening it’s a great time to take your traditional strength program to new levels. Our Core Education Team, led by Programming Director Jessie Salas, will help you incorporate our movement system into your routine. If you’ve been unable to load your workout with additional weight for the past few months, start smart with our Foundation Training Strength Program.

The Foundation Training Instructor Certification Re-imagined

The global pandemic has impacted group gatherings worldwide, ours included. The health of our community remains a priority so all remaining certifications have been cancelled for 2020. Although in-person events will always be our preferred method of education and community building, we understand the need for an online option in these current times. Necessity is the mother of invention and we are excited for this innovation, able to expand the depth and breadth of our educational offerings.

These past couple months we been moving forward with the creation of an online education platform that will be anchored with the instructor certifications. This new pathway will be more comprehensive than the current 3-day event and provide an affordable learning option to those who can’t travel across the country or world to attend a course.

The educational platform will be hosted on our website, allowing individuals to progress through a multi-week online course curated for a deep understanding of the Foundation Training principles and applications with video, written, and interactive elements. This educational course will be available to those who wish to learn simply for personal development and not pursue certification as a FT Instructor. And for those who desire to become fully certified FT Instructors, they will have the option to attend a 2-day completion event to be held several times in 2021. Dates and locations TBA.

We will keep you all up to date on all these amazing new changes as we finalize details and dates.

New Website

We’ve officially launched our new website with simpler navigation, streamlined organization, and content that is easier to digest and share. We are working heavily behind the scenes to update our other channels as we continue to create new content and ways for you to get the most out of Foundation Training.

Check in often and keep letting us know what we can do to make FT work better for you.

FT Anatomy with Dr. Goodman


Hip Rotation

Back injuries are often a result of the hips failing to do their job of force absorption. When the hips are don’t move properly multiple joints of the spine have to bear the weight and/or torque. To avoid this, we teach the pelvis to move correctly.

Power comes from pelvic motion so the muscles connecting directly onto the pelvis should be responsible for the body’s core movement. These muscles include the adductors, gluteal muscles, hamstrings and abdominal muscles. In order to remind these muscles of their power packed potential, we strengthen their eccentric capacity with Foundation Training poses like the Woodpecker Rotation. Eccentric strengthening occurs when we learn to absorb force as the muscle gets longer. This length creates a stability when we later demand performance in a shortened concentric contraction.

– Dr. Eric Goodman

Instructor Spotlight

Meet part of our Core Education Team and Certified Level 1 and 2 Instructor, Sean Yeager-Diamond.

“Our lives are a series of cornerstones, building blocks that secure our next stages, our future. Discovering Foundation Training was one of those defining moments for my career and life.

Each stage of my life has brought me closer to being the type of professional I yearn to be, one of compassion, empathy, and with an understanding of what individuals need to thrive. After a weight loss of nearly 150lbs I found instant success being able to connect with a demographic looking for a trainer that had experienced the hard parts of personal change, and not solely from books on a shelf.

As I grew older and more secure in myself and my talents I was handed another opportunity for growth. At the age of 27 I was in a car accident that left me a with a reconstructed foot and a disaster of muscular imbalances. I knew weight loss, now I knew pain, rehab.

In the years to follow I continued to maintain the traditional exercises I was given, I competed in triathlon, AND I suffered from over 7 herniations that left me debilitated for weeks and recovering for months. I had resigned myself to carrying another cross.

That changed with Foundation Training. During the second certification they offered, in 2013, my life, and my career were changed. Sounds lofty doesn’t it? Hyperbolic maybe? No, that’s what that cornerstone was for me, life changing. From that weekend forward I have shared, practiced, and taught Foundation Training EVERY DAY of my life. I’ve worked with professional athletes, traveled the world as part of the FT Team, and shared moments of hope with those that were in desperate need.

As a movement system, Foundation Training, is as complex as it is simple. That’s it’s genius. There are no accessories needed. It’s adaptable to every condition. It erases all barriers to entry. The only experience you need is the desire to change.

Why do I teach Foundation Training? Because it works, for me, for those that nothing else does, and because it’s simply how we were supposed to move. Why will I never stop? Because I live for that moment in a first session when I see that spark in client’s eyes that says “hope.”

More about Sean and his practice can be found at www.sydfitness.com

You can also see Sean teaching in this months streaming workout.